KTA Urges Compensation For Bohri Kadal Fire Victims


SRINAGAR: The Kashmir Trade Alliance (KTA) has issued an urgent appeal to the government, calling for immediate compensation for victims of a devastating fire that recently swept through the historic Bohri Kadal market in Srinagar.

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The blaze, which caused extensive damage to both residential and commercial properties, has left many local residents and business owners in dire straits.

In a statement, KTA President Aijaz Shahdhar expressed deep concern for those affected by the incident. “We stand in solidarity with our fellow citizens who have suffered due to this unfortunate incident,” Shahdhar declared. “The government must step in quickly to assess the damage and offer appropriate compensation to help the victims rebuild their lives and livelihoods.”

Shahdhar emphasised the critical need for swift action, stating, “Every moment of delay compounds the suffering of those who have lost their homes and businesses. We urge the local authorities to expedite the damage assessment process and ensure that aid reaches those in need without any bureaucratic hurdles.”

The KTA’s appeal extends beyond government assistance. The organisation has also called upon the broader community to support the fire victims. “In times of crisis, our community’s strength lies in our unity,” Shahdhar noted. “We appeal to all citizens who are in a position to help to come forward and support their brothers in Bohri Kadal.”

While the full extent of the destruction is still being determined, preliminary reports suggest significant losses. Many families have been displaced, and numerous small businesses, which form the economic backbone of the area, have been severely impacted.

In addition to immediate relief measures, the KTA has stressed the importance of long-term solutions to prevent similar tragedies in the future. The Alliance is advocating for improved fire safety regulations and infrastructure upgrades in densely populated areas, particularly in historic districts where traditional wooden structures are common.

“This incident should serve as a wake-up call,” Shahdhar added. “We need a comprehensive review of our fire safety protocols and infrastructure. It’s crucial that we preserve our heritage while ensuring the safety of our citizens and their livelihoods.”



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