After UGC NET Exam Cancellation, Student Body Demands Ban on NTA


SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir Students Association here on Thursday vehemently condemned the extreme irresponsibility of the National Testing Agency (NTA) and the Ministry of Education in conducting national examinations.

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In a Statement Association National Convenor of Association Nasir Khuehami expressed deep concern & disappointment over the cancellation of the UGC NET exam held on 19th of June.

He said that this abrupt cancellation, following closely on the heels of the alleged NEET examination scam, speaks volumes about the sorry state of affairs in the system of conducting entrance examinations in our country. The scams in examinations have become routine now, putting the careers of countless students in jeopardy. These back-to-back scams should serve as a clarion call to the Education Ministry to take concrete measures to prevent the recurrence of such scams.

This cannot go on for long. First, there was the NEET scam, followed by a series of cover-ups, and now the cancellation of important exams like the UGC NET. Due to this cancellation, 10 lakh students have seen their efforts go to waste. This will have a huge impact on their careers, delaying admissions and causing a loss of six months to a year, he said.

The pressure and anxiety a student goes through in such situations are immense, something that those responsible for these failures will never understand. It is traumatic to invest so much time and effort into preparation only to see it all rendered futile. All students who appeared for the exam need to be compensated for their time. Why should they suffer because of the system’s incompetence, he asked?

He asserted that the National Testing Agency (NTA) has failed to maintain the sanctity of these exams. The time, efforts, and hard work of lakhs of students have gone in vain. The NTA should understand the pain, hard work, and expectations of the candidates appearing for these exams. It is imperative that the Education Ministry takes example-setting actions to prevent such failures in the future.

The Government has been making a mockery of the entire education system since the inception of the NTA. Examination agencies have turned these crucial tests into a joke. Thousands of students travel long distances to take these exams, and when they are cancelled, it wastes their time and disrupts their exam cycle, he emphasized

The association called for urgent reforms and accountability in the Educational and examination system. The future of our nation’s students depends on a robust and trustworthy examination system. It is high time the authorities take resolute steps to end these endless scams and uphold the sanctity of our educational assessments. The student’s hard work, time, and future should not be compromised due to systemic incompetence and corruption.

Khuehami strongly urged the immediate banning of the National Testing Agency (NTA) and called for strict measures to prevent future scams. He appealed to Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan to take decisive action, including banning the NTA and initiating legal proceedings against its officials. The central government must take immediate steps to resolve this crisis and ensure a fair, transparent and reliable examination process.

He also demanded a Supreme Court-monitored investigation to fully expose the scam. He said that repeated incompetence in conducting exams like UGC-NET cannot be accepted. He emphasized the necessity of such an investigation to ensure transparency and accountability, stating that only through rigorous scrutiny can the truth be unveiled and justice served.


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