Monday, June 17, 2024

Special Issue

Lost in modernity

The traditional architecture is no more in fashion in Kashmir, which many believe was more suited to valley’s climatic conditions. Ibrahim Wani reports. Zahoor Ahmad...

The Regime of Globalization

ARSHID MALIK Cultural diversity, a product of the vast range of human experiences and achievements is a broad concept based on the connections between people...

Building an institution

There may be many factors for the growth of media in the last two decades in Kashmir, but one organisation has provided bricks for...

Night of festivity

The Mehendi ceremony on the eve of the wedding is the most festive of all the ceremonies with singing going on till late in...

Lost not longing

Arshid Malik On my recent trip to Chandigarh with some of my colleagues we stopped over for some advice on “where do we eat” from...

National Conference

Be it the death of Haji Yousuf, sacking of Mustafa Kamal or partial removal of AFSPA, the ruling National Conference managed to stay in...


They are focused and determined, and are now being recognized for their efforts. Saima Bhat highlights some of the many Kashmiris who have achieved...

Filthy Game

US diplomatic cables revealed by Wikileaks unveiled many hidden aspects related to the politics around Kashmir and intermittent dialogue between different stakeholders. These cables...

Shopian mystery

The Shopian case not only dominated the news in 2009 but also stung most the people associated with it. Three investigations later the case...

Lost course

The rivulet with gushing milky white clean waters has given way to a stinking seawage drain and some government offices, malls, and residential colonies...

Lost in chaos

The biggest disappointment of the year was PDP. The largest opposition party was absent for most of the times from the state legislature, letting...

All in a day’s work

by Kainaat Mushtaq “Journalists” said a western philosopher recently “are like whores; as high as their ideals may be, they still have to resort to...

Looking to change and adopt

AHMAD RIYAZ While Shopian murders may have severely tested the credibility of his government, Chief Minister Omer Abdullah’s own political image has emerged by and...

Fellows to Success

Six out of the 45 selected to the Ford Fellowship Program in 2009 are from J & K, with 4 from Kashmir and 1...

Etches in our palms

Arshid MalikThis is a hypothetical analysis of actual events and does not necessarily presuppose its own rightness. The year 2011 is receding fast into...