Chemist Found Dead With His Throat Slit in Jammu and Kashmir


JAMMU: A 35-year-old chemist was found dead with his throat slit open near his house in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district, officials said on Monday.

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Amarjit Sharma’s murder sparked protests by his grieving relatives and neighbours, who demanded immediate arrest of the unidentified culprits, they said.

Sharma was found dead outside his house in Mela village by his family late Sunday night after they started searching for him when he did not return home, the officials said.

Hundreds of people, carrying Sharma’s body, blocked Jammu-Pathankot highway and the nearby railway track in nearby Hiranagar area around 9 am this morning, the officials said.

The protesters dispersed within two hours on the assurance of police and civil officers that a case was registered and further investigation is on to bring the culprits to book, they said.


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