Dialogue Only Path To Peace in Jammu and Kashmir: Farooq Abdullah


SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir National Conference President and former chief minister Farooq Abdullah stated that despite facing criticism for his remarks, he will continue to emphasize that dialogue is the only way to spread peace in the region.

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In an interview with national news agency, he also expressed hope for a change in the government in power at the Centre after the Lok Sabha election results are announced and that the new dispensation will pursue dialogue with Pakistan.

“I hope we see good election results with a new government in Delhi that will pursue dialogue with Pakistan.” Abdullah affirmed, “Even though I have been labeled as a Pakistani, Khalistani, and American agent, I will not cease to advocate for dialogue between India and Pakistan.”

“Jammu and Kashmir will not be fine until these two big countries realize that war is no longer the way forward.” Abdullah called for international investigation into recent shooting incidents, saying, “International pressure must be created, and international investigating agencies must probe the matter.”

He expressed his desire for assembly elections, stating, “I think Assembly elections will take place after the Amarnath Yatra concludes this year.”

Abdullah criticized the BJP, alleging, “They do intend to change the Constitution.” Speaking on the INDIA bloc, he said, “Our fight is not for the chair but to use that chair to eradicate poverty and work on inflation and unemployment.” Omar Abdullah stated, “We can change our friends, but we can’t change our neighbours.”

“We have to create an environment for the dialogue. And it is the responsibility of the two countries,” he said.


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