Engineer Rashid Seeks Bail to Take Oath as MP


SRINAGAR: Winner of the Baramulla Parliamentary seat, Engineer Rashid has approached a Delhi’s Patiala House Court for interim bail to take oath as a Member of Parliament.

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Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Chander Jit Singh on Thursday sought the response of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in the case after his lawyer Vikhyat Oberoi sought interim bail or custody parole to take oath and perform other parliamentary functions.

The court will hear the matter of his bail on Friday. Rashid is facing charges under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in an alleged terror-funding case and is currently lodged in Delhi’s Tihar jail.

Rashid defeated former J&K chief minister Omar Abdullah and People’s Conference Chief Sajad Gani Lone by a huge margin.

Engineer Rashid has served as Member of the Legislative Assembly. His Lok Sabha campaign was managed by his two sons.(KNS)




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