Fully Funded UNISA Scholarship in Australia 2024, Apply Now


SRINAGAR: The applications for the University of South Australia Scholarship for the academic year 2024 are now open. The fully funded research scholarship is available to international students seeking to pursue a Master’s or PhD programme in Australia.

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The application process is online and the deadline to apply is August 31, 2024.

The PhD Programme is for 3 years, while as Masters Programme spans up to 2 years. The fully funded scholarship covers tuition fees, a living allowance, health insurance, and a thesis allowance, thereby supporting student’s professional careers.

Students of any nationality are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. To apply, candidates must have completed their bachelor’s degree and possess a first-class honors degree or equivalent. Additionally, candidates must be enrolled full-time in a master’s or doctorate programme at the University of South Australia.

The documents required are a Cover letter, CV, and an English Language Proficiency Certificate.

For further details, go on to http://www.unisa.edu.au


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