Kashmir Generates Rs 300 Crores From Garlic Production, Exports 30,000 Metric Tons


SRINAGAR: According to official figures, the Kashmir Valley has generated an impressive Rs 300 crores in revenue from the production of garlic this year, with prices rising in comparison to previous years.

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Data obtained by local news agency KNO indicates that 4,500 hectares of garlic were produced totaling 67,500 metric tons during the 2023–2024 fiscal year.

Thirty thousand metric tons of the total production of garlic were shipped outside the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, bringing in three hundred crores of rupees.

The data indicates that total garlic production for the fiscal year is expected to reach 70,000 metric tons. The average sale price of garlic this year has been Rs 100 per kilogram, higher than in previous years. This increase has further contributed to the higher revenue.

Farmers have expressed satisfaction with this year’s garlic cultivation.

Ghulam Rasool, a farmer from Wanpoh, Anantnag, said, “This year, we have grown garlic in good quantity as we saw good prices last year. I have sold my garlic for Rs 70,000. Garlic has proven to be a better option compared to other vegetables.”

Another farmer from Qazigund said garlic cultivation has numerous benefits. “Garlic cultivation has become a livelihood for many people here. The cultivation takes less labour and is easier compared to other crops,” he said.

Director of Agriculture, Kashmir, Chowdhary Muhammad Iqbal, said this year’s garlic production is higher compared to last year. He noted that efforts to strengthen marketing strategies are underway.

“A large quantity of garlic is being exported outside the Union Territory,” Iqbal said.

Chowdhary highlighted that the favourable climate in Kashmir contributes to the high quality of garlic produced in the valley. “The essential constituents are present in the valley’s garlic. The size of garlic found in Kashmir is unique and not found anywhere else in India,” he said, adding that five varieties of garlic are currently being cultivated in Kashmir.


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