Kashmir Girls Continue Outshining Boys In Twelfth Board Examination


by Umaima Reshi

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SRINAGAR: Continuing the prevailing trend, girls in Kashmir have once again outperformed boys. In the just-released results for the twelfth standard announced by the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) on Thursday, June 6, 2024, girls claimed all the topmost positions.


All over, the result mirrored a remarkable reflection of girls in the academic ring. Out of the 93,340 students who sat for the exam this year, 69,385 successfully passed. This year’s overall pass rate was 74 per cent. The pass percentage was 68 per cent for girls and 61 per cent for boys.

Priya Kour, a student from Government Higher Secondary, Channapora, who scored 690 out of 720 in NEET 2024, also secured 493 marks in her 2024 12th board examinations. She shared that her journey was challenging and balancing preparation for NEET and schoolwork in 11th and 12th grades required significant effort. Certain chapters were particularly difficult to understand and memorize, and can also lead to dip in scores. Priya highlighted that “NEET should be the primary focus, with the last three to four months of the academic year dedicated to board exam preparations, as they are comparatively smooth than entrance exams.”

She joined a coaching centre and studied for eight to ten hours daily, including self-study. Priya emphasised the importance of mastering Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. “Although my ultimate goal is to go for administrative services, I wanted to solidify the optional subjects before the prelims.”

Kour credited her parents for their constant support and lack of pressure, and she drew inspiration from her friends. Priya also mentioned participating in KBC and winning 25 lakhs, but she values her academic achievements more. She encouraged those who didn’t qualify for NEET, prompting that it’s not the end of the world.

Adeeba, a science stream student from Government Girls Higher Secondary, Nowhatta, and a NITians coaching topper achieved an outstanding 494 marks. She believes that nothing is too difficult if one has a clear understanding of concepts, making it easier to succeed.

Wafa Feroz Kadla and Mumin Showkat Kadla, cousins living in a joint family, both excelled in their 12th board commerce exams. Wafa achieved an outstanding 498 marks (99.6 per cent), while Mumin scored 493 marks (98.6%) and both of them learned from Green Valley Educational Institute, Buchpora.

Wafa credited her success to the support of her parents, her own self-belief, and the encouragement from her teachers and friends. She felt her hard work and prayers during Ramadhan paid off, and she is currently unsettled about her future path, leaving it in God’s hands.

Mumin expressed happiness for his achievement and pride in Wafa’s success, considering it his own, and stressed the essential of balancing academics and extracurricular activities for mental health. He plans to pursue a course as a Certified Management Accountant (CMA).

Anusha Gul, from Green Valley Educational Institute and an NITians Coaching student, who scored 498 out of 500 in the commerce stream, aspires to become a Chartered Accountant (CA). She is driven by the challenge and fascination of numbers. She said, “Consistent effort, dedicating 2 to 3 hours daily, and maintaining determination are key to achieving good scores.”

She is grateful for her teachers’ support and is focused on minimizing her weaknesses while aiming for the CMA qualification.

Sabira Ali, a humanities student also from Green Valley Institute, scored 493 out of 500 marks. She was overwhelmed by this surprising achievement and attributed her success to God. Sabira faced numerous challenges during her 12th year but managed to excel, especially in Functional English. She emphasized, “Every field requires strength and hard work, not just science.”

Sabira credited her teachers and parents for their firm support and guidance, which inspired her to delve deep into subjects rather than focusing solely on marks. She believes that consistency and genuine interests always yield good results.

Mubashir Sir, head of NIITians coaching, expressed his immense joy and gratitude, as a good numbers of girl toppers were from his centre. He stated, “When God gives, it is beyond measure.” He praised the teachers for their dedication, seeing their profession as a noble calling.

In the Arts stream, the pass percentage was 64% for boys and 72% for girls. In the Commerce stream, boys had a pass percentage of 79 per cent, while girls achieved 90 per cent. For the Science stream, the pass percentage was 76 per cent for boys and 80 per cent for girls. The statistics signified the prodigious surpass of result in terms of girl ratio as compared to boys.



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