Kashmir’s Environmental Message Hits the Fashion Runway


SRINAGAR: In a groundbreaking move, Kashmir has emerged on the global stage, using innovative fashion to highlight the pressing issue of environmental degradation. This notable representation has garnered attention from hundreds of thousands, with major media outlets like the Delhi Times and Bombay Times extensively covering the initiative.

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SSMD School of Design using innovative fashion to highlight the pressing issue of environmental degradation.
SSMD School of Design using innovative fashion to highlight the pressing issue of environmental degradation.

Merging environmental advocacy with high fashion, this effort aims to engage and educate supporters of fast fashion about the importance of sustainability. The performance art, orchestrated by the SSMD School of Design, underscores the necessity of environmental protection and the destructive impact of human consumption. While the garments are not designed for everyday wear, they convey a powerful message about sustainability and environmental awareness.

Curated by CEO and Director Insha S Qazi, the collection redefines modern fashion by using discarded and inexpensive materials. Items such as egg trays, paper foil plates, ribbons, cement bags, polythene, used combs, upcycled umbrellas, jute sack rice bags, and metal keys are transformed into high-fashion pieces. This collection demonstrates that impressive fashion can be achieved on a low budget, challenging the notion that style must come with a high price tag.

Designers Arwa Shah, Mir Manal, and Armaan Asif shared their journey of bringing this collection to life. “We conceived the idea in September, and it took us five months to source the materials. The tailoring and stitching of these unconventional materials required tremendous effort,” they explained.

This initiative not only showcases the creativity and resilience of Kashmir’s designers but also sends a powerful message about the importance of sustainable fashion and environmental protection.


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