Principal Attached for 12th Grade Zero Percent Result


SRINAGAR: School Education Department has attached a principal of Higher Secondary School to CEO office for poor performance in the recently announced results of 12th standard.

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Directorate of School Education Jammu (DSEJ) in an order had said that no students in that Higher Secondary School has qualified the exams.

DSEJ said that it had asked all the CEOs of the division to furnish the result report for class 12th to the directorate.

“The CEO Rajouri has reported that zero percent result has been shown by the HSS Behrote Thannamandi wherein a total number of 13 students had appeared-13 in the exams and none of them had cleared it,” DSEJ said.

The directorate said that it has been observed that the “Head of the Institute has not performed his legitimate duty with regard to the academics and the authorities have viewed it very seriously.”

“In view of the issue, the Principal of HSS Behrote Thannamandi Rajouri is hereby attached in the office of CEO Poonch till further order,” it reads.(KNO)







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