UGC NET Scheduled on Eid ul-Adha, Aspirants Call for Exam Reschedule


SRINAGAR: The scheduling of the UGC NET exams on June 18, 2024, has caused significant concern among aspirants as it coincides with the celebration of Eid ul-Adha. Many students are worried about their ability to attend the exams due to the unavailability of public transport and the religious significance of the festival.

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Local news agency KNO reported that aspirants across the valley have voiced their distress over the clash. Rehana Ahmed, an aspirant from Srinagar, shared her dilemma, saying, “Eid ul-Adha is one of the most important festivals for us. It’s a time for family and religious observance. The lack of public transport on this day makes it nearly impossible for many of us to reach the exam centres.”

Another candidate, Faisal Khan, from the old city of Srinagar, echoed these sentiments, highlighting the logistical challenges. “On Eid, most public transport services are either suspended or very limited. It will be extremely difficult to travel to the exam centre, and many of us do not have alternative means of transportation,” he said.

This scheduling conflict has sparked widespread concern among the student community. Many are requesting the National Testing Agency (NTA) to reconsider the exam dates. “It’s not just about missing the festival; it’s about the practical difficulties of reaching the exam centre,” says Amir Fayaz, an aspirant from north Kashmir. “We are ready to take the exam, but the timing is very problematic.”

The National Testing Agency (NTA) did not respond to emails and texts seeking comments regarding the scheduling conflict.



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