BJP Leader Nirmal Singh’s Home May Get Demolished


SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir Special Tribunal (Bench-III) has dismissed the appeal challenging the demolition of an illegally constructed house belonging to Ms Mamta Singh, wife of former Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh. The property, located in the restricted green area of Ban, Nagrota, was built in violation of the Jammu Master Plan 2032.

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The Tribunal not only upheld the demolition order but also imposed a hefty fine of Rs 10 lakh on Ms Mamta Singh. The fine was levied as a penalty for serious misconduct, including criminal contempt of court and perjury. The Tribunal found that Ms Singh had attempted to secure favourable orders through deceit, including falsehoods, misrepresentation, and suppression of facts.

“The construction of the residential house in question is a deliberate act of defiance of the Rule of Law,” the Tribunal has reportedly stated in its ruling. The Tribunal condemned the appeal filed by Ms Singh as an abuse of the judicial process, aimed at obstructing lawful proceedings.

This decision follows a series of legal manoeuvres by the Jammu Development Authority (JDA) to enforce the demolition. Initially, the JDA issued a demolition notice for the bungalow, constructed without the necessary permissions. In response, Ms Singh filed an appeal with the Special Tribunal, which temporarily ordered a status quo and later set aside the JDA notice on technical grounds, allowing the JDA to reissue the notice in compliance with legal requirements.

On July 28, 2023, the JDA issued a fresh demolition notice to Ms Singh, reiterating the illegality of the construction. The subsequent appeal by Ms Singh has now been dismissed, reaffirming the JDA’s stance.


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