Jammu and Kashmir: Four Government Employees Terminated for Anti-National Activities


SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir Government on Saturday dismissed four employees, including two policemen, a teacher, and an assistant lineman in the Jal Shakti department, due to their involvement in anti-national activities.

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A spokesperson said that these employees had come to the adverse notice of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for their activities prejudicial to the interests of the State, including involvement in terror-related activities.

The statement detailed that Abdul Rehman Dar, a selection grade constable in the police department, was not only involved in transporting illegal arms and ammunition for terrorists but also in providing camouflage uniform cloth and other materials to them, taking undue and criminal advantage of his position in the department.

“Ghulam Rasool Bhat, a police constable, was also implicated in the transport of illegal arms and ammunition for terrorists. As a Kote NCO in the armory of a district, he supplied ammunition and weapons to terrorists over an extended period, linked to the terrorist ecosystem through a network of OGWs (Over Ground Workers) operating at the behest of terrorist outfits based in Pakistan,” the statement reads.

Shabir Ahmad Wani, a teacher in the education department, was identified as an active member of Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), a proscribed separatist association with tangible links to terrorist organizations. He played a significant role in strengthening JeI and creating a network among JeI sympathizers. Various FIRs have been registered against him due to his direct involvement in inciting and leading unlawful assemblies, instigating rioting, and violence in DH Pora during the 2016 unrest. He remains a hardcore OGW for banned terror outfits, particularly HM, facilitating terrorist activities in and around Kulgam.

Anayatullah Shah Pirzada, an assistant lineman in the Jal Shakti department, was a terrorist associate of Al-Badr Mujahideen, a proscribed terror outfit. He covertly supported the terrorist agenda and had direct associations with notorious terrorists like Yousuf Baloch and Tameem, commanders of Al-Badr Mujahideen at different times in Kashmir. He was involved in various FIRs related to the recovery of satellite phones and hand grenades and maintained communication with terrorists based in Pakistan.

The government has adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards anti-national elements taking advantage of government service positions.


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