Kashmir University Innovators Get Patents


SRINAGAR: A team of student innovators and faculty members from the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Technology (DEIT) at the University of Kashmir (KU) has recently been granted patents by the Patent Authority of India for their innovative designs, promising to revolutionise traditional practices in various industries.

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The team’s first patented innovation, the ‘Twist Ease Clean (TEC)’ tank design, introduces a novel approach to water tank cleaning methods. Featuring a central twisting mechanism inspired by bottle cap threading, the TEC tank ensures even weight distribution and stable handling. This design significantly reduces the torque and turning force required for lifting and carrying the tank, enhancing user safety and efficiency.

The TEC tank’s user-friendly features include strategically placed handles for optimal grip and leverage, facilitating easy access to the tank’s interior for cleaning. By eliminating the need for individuals to enter confined spaces during maintenance, this design mitigates risks associated with traditional cleaning methods, such as injuries and exposure to harmful substances. Moreover, the option to remove the tank’s half section further enhances safety during maintenance procedures.

The team of inventors behind the TEC tank design includes Jehangir Hameed Lone, Syed Kashif Jeelani Alvi, Sajid Noor, Umhara Rasool, Dr Javaid Ahmad Sheikh, Dr Abdul Mueed Hafiz, and Saqlain Mushtaq, showcasing a collaborative effort to drive innovation and address industry challenges.

Earlier, another team of KU innovators secured a Design Registration for their patented innovation, the “Starch-Free Rice Cooker.” This electro-mechanical system revolutionises traditional rice cooking methods by extracting starch, catering to the dietary needs of diabetic individuals. The cooker’s remote cooking feature, allowing monitoring of the rice’s starch status in real-time via text message, adds a new dimension to culinary technology.

The team of innovators behind the cooker include Jehangir Hameed Lone, Sajid Noor, Senior Scientific Officer Dr Bilal Ahmad Malik, Imran Nazir, Ariez Koul, and Azraw Hussain.

Motivated by the prevalence of diabetes in India, the team aims to provide innovative solutions to improve the quality of life for individuals with dietary restrictions. Their pursuit of partnerships with health-tech companies reflects a commitment to refining and commercializing their inventions, with the ultimate goal of positively impacting the lives of those with specific dietary requirements.


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