No Innocent Will Face Arrests Under My Government: Azad


SRINAGAR: Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and Chairman DPAP, Ghulam Nabi Azad today said that no innocent person will be picked up by police or security forces, if his Government comes to power in J&K.

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While addressing the public on the concluding day of the campaign in Dooru, Anantnag today, Azad asserted that during his tenure as CM, there were almost no fake encounters. He recounted an incident where a deputation claimed that individuals presented as militants were actually innocent laborers. He immediately ordered an inquiry, confirmed their innocence and had the responsible officers jailed.

Azad criticised the current trend of youth being unjustly detained, vowing that under his leadership, no civilian will face false allegations or charges. He promised to protect daughters, sisters, and young boys from harassment.

“In my Government, I ensured justice to people, irrespective of caste or religion. Our youth, especially girls, should be able to move freely. Today, I received many complaints that police are picking up innocent civilians; this must stop. You are further alienating them. In my Government, youth will be given the full freedom to live their lives. This drug menace has harmed our society, and we will ensure better education and jobs,” Azad said.

Former Chief Minister further criticised the National Conference (NC) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for their silence on critical issues such as Article 370 during Parliamentary sessions. He said that the three MPs from these parties failed to speak up when he protested in Parliament, showcasing a troubling pattern of inaction.

“They are deceiving the people. They remained silent even on the land eviction order when the Government attempted to bulldoze houses and seize land. It was our intervention that halted the Government’s actions,” Azad asserted.

DPAP leader also accused NC leaders of using religion and caste to divide the population. “At the national level, a party tried to split Hindus and Muslims. Now, these parties are attempting to divide Paharis, Kashmiris and Gujjars. How can an MP do justice to other communities when they campaign and speak against each other?” Azad asked.

He warned of the dangers of such divisive politics, stressing the importance of unity in  Jammu and Kashmir. “This style of politics is harmful and damaging for the people of J&K. We must unite and work for everyone. Our focus should be on bringing people together, not creating divisions,” he added.

Azad pointed out the lack of development during the periods when the Government was primarily run by NC and other parties. He emphasised that he had only two and a half years in power, during which he initiated significant projects and reforms. “They did no development, but only exploited people with slogans of self-rule and autonomy, which they eventually forgot. They did no justice to the poor. Where are the jobs? Where are the schools, colleges, districts, and tehsils? What did they achieve? Nothing,” former CM asserted.

DPAP Chairman assured the public that if he returns to power, he will focus on eradicating poverty and unemployment. He recounted his previous achievements, including the rapid completion of key projects, the sanctioning of hospitals, colleges, and universities, and the provision of jobs. He mentioned the completion of the Hajj House and Yatri Niwas in just six months.

“We will bring back that era of progress and development,” Azad promised, reaffirming his commitment.

He reiterated his commitment to fostering peace and prosperity in  Jammu and Kashmir. Azad urged the electorate to support Advocate Saleem Parray in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, citing his credentials as a promising, educated and mature candidate.


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