Adorn By Shahid: Wheelchair Bound Man Starts His Online Shop


by  Babra Wani

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SRINAGAR: Recently, a video went viral on social media, particularly Instagram, featuring a wheelchair-bound man promoting his business of Kashmiri clothes. The video captured people’s attention and was widely shared, garnering 39.3k views and over 300 likes.


The reel was shared by a page called Adorn by Shahid, showcasing various Kashmiri apparel. The page is owned by Shahid, a resident of Gopalpora in the Mattan area of Anantnag district. He launched an online clothing store a year ago.

Since childhood, Shahid has been wheelchair-bound due to a life-threatening disease. “I was very healthy, but suddenly I felt pain and was diagnosed with a brain tumour. After my surgery, the left side of my body was left paralyzed,” he explained. At the time of the unfortunate incident, Shahid was a third-standard student.

After losing mobility in his left side, Shahid discontinued his schooling. “I studied up to the third standard. I used to attend school until then, but after my surgery, I couldn’t continue my education. Many years later, I decided to resume my studies. I managed to complete my graduation privately. When I was young and this incident occurred, my friends used to visit me for company. But when those visits ceased, I decided to prioritise completing my studies,” he said.

Despite applying for numerous government jobs, Shahid faced rejections due to his physical condition. Subsequently, he ventured into entrepreneurship. “I observed people running business pages on social media and noticed their success. I decided to give it a try,” he remarked.

At 35 years old, Shahid’s business page received positive responses. “Alhamdulillah, it is doing well. Since I’m always at home, I manage it from there, and people have always appreciated it,” he shared.

Shahid initially invested in his venture, with contributions from his parents and siblings. “I am the youngest among my siblings, and all of them, along with relatives and cousins, have been very supportive, Alhamdulillah,” he expressed.

Shahid independently manages his social media platforms but receives assistance from his cousins and niece in creating videos and reels. “All of them contribute to my journey,” he acknowledged.

Despite his disability, Shahid maintains a positive attitude. “This could happen to anyone, but that doesn’t mean they lose hope. That person should be provided with all kinds of support and help they need,” he asserted.

He intends to establish an offline shop in the near future. “Social media has garnered positive responses, and I aim to continue my business both online and offline,” he concluded.


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