SRINAGAR: Amid fresh spike in the Covid-19 cases in Kashmir, Directorate of Health Services Kashmir( DHSK) on Monday directed all Chief Medical Officers of the Valley to increase rate of Covid-19 testing and establish Flu clinics at all health institutions.
“In continuation to the letter no DHSK/IDSP/826-39 dated 29-03-2023 regarding Covid19 testing, it has been observed that there is no increase in the Covid19 testing rate. Furthermore, there hasn’t been any increase in the proportion testing of RT-PC which should be the benchmark of minimum 80% of total Covid19 testing,” DHSK said in an order.
“In view of above, you are directed to increase the rate of Covid19 testing, proportion of RT-PCR testing & ensure the establishment of Flu Clinics at all the Health Institutions as per the guidelines issued by MoHFW,” it said.
DHSK directed CMOs to increase the rate of Covid19 testing, proportion of RT-PCR testing and ensure the establishment of Flu Clinics at all the health institutions as per the guidelines issued by MoHFW.