Anganwadi Workers Pledged To Put Their Best


KL Report

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During the day-long deliberations on the reforms needed for the better delivery of services under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), the Anganwadi Workers and Helper Union affiliated with All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH) and Centre of India Trade Unions (CITU) Saturday pledged to put in their best to make the scheme a huge success all over the country.

The leaders stressed on need to address the long pending genuine demands of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers who act as a backbone of ICDS scheme.

Naseema Kochay, President Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Union, addressed by Comrade Sindoo, General Secretary (AIFAWH) and Om Prakash and Abdul Rashid Najar, Senior leaders CITU besides other important union leaders.

On this occasion, a charter of demands was mooted out which laid stress on allocation of adequate funds for universalisation of ICDS to cover all the children below six years in the country.


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