Saturday, June 15, 2024


This section contains the most exhaustive reportage on the state, status of business in Jammu and Kashmir.

Photo: Bilal Bahadur

Hope at last

With broken marriages, children out of schools and penury, the ill-fated CONFED employees lost everything including esteem. Many attempted suicide, some lost their mental...

Eating Dog Food

Punjabi poultry farmers have used politics to retain Kashmir as their main market to sell used layers and parents’ chicks’ that otherwise is dog...

Pizza Frenzy

Fast food culture is growing fast in Kashmir with young people preferring pizzas, burgers and other junk food to traditional foods. Khurram Rasool tracks the...

‘Open Market’

In a disturbing trend, business establishments in Kashmir are fast being taken over by non-state subjects. Paying huge rents for tiny spaces and bearing...

Reforms In Limbo

Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the oldest trade body being run with an outdated constitution. The recent elections that brought a new...


Vegetable belts of Budgam produce 1,20,000 metric tonnes of vegetables out of which 54,000 metric tonnes are exported. But a host of reasons are...

Risky Job

The debate over Gogoi gets louder after his ‘human shield’ act fetched him an award. Saima Bhat looks at the other side of the...

Sand Diggers

On a pleasant September morning, Mohammad Sidiq, a sand-digger in his early 30s, pushes his long wooden boat out onto the River Jhelum, which...

A lease of life

An integrated cold chain storage facility inaugurated last week has taken Kashmir’s cumulative CAS capacity to 13800-mts with the avowed objective of giving a...

An Upsetting Applecart

Kashmir’s fruit basket is losing weight and many other factors are sending fruit growers into the red. A Kashmir Life report. For decades, apple has...
J&K Bank CEO

A Trillion Crore Story

The J&K Bank will celebrate its platinum jubilee in 2013 and for that it is scripting a huge story, TASAVUR MUSHTAQ reports Scripting a big...

No curfew in cyber space

While people in Kashmir have remained indoors for the last almost four months, many have jumped on to the information highway as rise in...

The Transformer

He always dreamed of having his own independent business. Today, Nisar Baba’s manufacturing unit has developed into an award-winning company with uncompromising quality. Shams...

Number Games

While the proposed introduction of High Security Registration Plate System for vehicles will check car thefts to a large extent, the move threatens to...

CuK’s “precondition” disgruntles book suppliers of valley

Bilal Handoo SRINAGAR The book supply lines that feed libraries of educational institutes across Kashmir aren’t always devoid of dubious deals. At least, this is what...