Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Straight Curve

What’s it with women?

Arshid Malik Last Sunday we had planned a family picnic. We were not going into the wilderness, back to nature as one might say, but...

Of Love and Lust

Arshid Malik The contexts and sub-contexts of love, better described by the term romance, have changed many hands over the decades. The practical and surreal...

Where are WE?

Arshid Malik I was around six when my father took me on my first spiritual journey to a very distant village in north Kashmir. We...


Arshid Malik Each time I feel your bite (the burning) It fills me with suffering and plight (the fading) I’ve crawled for days to make this stop...

Cyber-Shopping Menace

Arshid Malik Another menace has joined hands with my ill-fate to rob my hard earned money - online ordering portals. This is only a few...

The Pedagogy of Oppression

Arshid Malik The people; men, women, young and old, have braved all kinds of atrocities and most of the times for just expressing their opinions...

Calorie Counter

Arshid Malik I must admit, solemnly, that I have grown obese and I don’t wonder why. I do not follow any workout routines and I...

Deeds of a Democracy

Arshid Malik “Political campaigns are designedly made into emotional orgies which endeavor to distract attention from the real issues involved, and they actually paralyze what...

Visions & Visionaries

Arshid Malik Vision is a blessing. Yes, I am talking about the vision we have been bestowed upon by the Almighty Allah. If we did...


Arshid Malik Computers are brilliant stuff. All digital machines for that sake are brilliant. The biggest advantage these machines share is that they are not...

The Actual Disease

The human mind is one of the most enigmatic things on this planet. Well, I guess it is as I have never seen anything...

Living on the Edge

What could be the greatest phenomenon that catapulted Homo Sapiens on a distinctive trip of growth and prosperity? The formation of the society, I...

The Teacher At Home

Today I am writing about someone I respect and adore more than anyone – my wife. I am doing this because I feel that...

The Burden Of Past

Every morning when I do not go out for a morning walk, I have to watch my step for landmines. Understandably so, for when...

A Void That Spells ‘New Year’

What are dates or time in generality for? Well, dates are mainly meant to establish a chronological documentation and considerable periodicity in human affairs....