Feroz Peerzada Replaced Shah Faesal As JKPM President


SRINAGAR: IAS officer-turned-politician Shah Faesal has stepped down as the president of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Movement (JKPM). Reports of his resignation from the JKPM comes after he was recently released from detention.

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Dr Shah Feasal and his other colleagues at the formal launch of their new political party, Jammu and Kashmir Peoples’ Movement in Srinagar on March 17, 2019. KL Image

“It is confirmed that he has decided to step down and the leaders of the party have hence given the responsibility to run the affair to me,” reports quoted JKPM senior leader Feroz Peerzada as saying.

There are reports which even indicated that Faesal is likely to join back administration. This after he was conveyed by authorities that his resignation has not still been accepted.

It is interesting to note that even after submitting his resignation and forming a political front, his name was not removed from the list of IAS officers in J&K.

Dr Shah Faesal Likely To Join Back Administration: Reports

“We don’t know what exactly he will do. He has been talking about going for studies to the United States. There are also reports of his joining back the administration. We don’t know exactly as of now,” added Feroz Peerzada.

Faesal on Sunday deleted his description as the president of JKPM from his twitter bio. This has given more credence to news reports that he is likely to join back the service.

He had topped the 2010 civil services exam and was made a part of the J&K cadre of the IAS.

In 2018, he had taken a sabbatical of one year to go for studies to Harvard in the US. Soon after coming back, he decided to form a political party of his own.

JKPM was launched by him in 2019, but things changed in the erstwhile state after the government decided to remove the special status of J&K in August by abrogating Article 370.

Scores of political leaders were detained and Shah Faesal was also arrested from the Delhi airport. After spending close to a year in detention he was recently released.

Meanwhile, State Executive Committee of J&K Peoples Movement (JKPM) in an online meeting on Monday discussed the ongoing political developments in the state.

In a statement, JKPM said that in the said meeting, request of Dr Shah Faesal to spare him from the organisational responsibilities was discussed.

The statement said that Dr Shah Faesal had informed State Executive Members that he is not in a position to continue with political activities and wants to be freed from the responsibilities of the organisation.

Keeping in view this request, it was decided to accept his request so that he can better continue with his life and contribute whichever way he chooses, said the party statement.

On this occasion, Dr Shah Faesal’s contribution as a well-wisher of the people of J&K was recalled and best wishes were accorded to him, it said.

It was further unanimously decided to appoint current Vice President Feroze Peerzada as President for the party in the interim till formal elections can be held for the post of President, it added.

The Committee also accepted the resignation of Chairman Javed Mustafa Mir and accorded farewell to him.

Javed Mustafa Mir a veteran political figure of the J&K has been under house arrest since August 5, 2019, said the statement.


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