Fire Damages Shrine in Srinagar; Police Registers Case


SRINAGAR: The shrine of Hazrat Baba Naseeb Din Ghazi (RA) at Sangam area of Eidgah here suffered partial damage on Wednesday in a massive blaze. Two Chinar trees also suffered damage in the incident, the locals said.

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The local residents informed that fire broke out in the shrine in the intervening night of Tuesday-Wednesday, damaging the shrine partially.

The locals said that two Chinar trees have also suffered damage in the incidents, however, added that it’s the second such incident at the shrine as the fire broke at the place a few days back also, which was doused off by the locals immediately.

The officials said that today, the fire tenders rushed to the spot after receiving the information at around 2:00 AM and doused off the flames

In a handout, the police said that it has taken cognizance of the incident of arson & damage to the shrine of Baba Naseeb-ud-din Gazi. FIR No. 24/24 under relevant sections of law stands regd in PS Sangam. Thorough & speedy investigation is underway to ensure that the prepetrators are brought to justice.

Common public is appealed to desist from spreading rumours/false information. They shouldn’t fall prey to false propaganda of anti-social elements. Legal action shall be taken against those who are found to be involved in provocative act/instigation, reads the statement.



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