Fire Safety Advisory Issued Amid Heat Wave in Jammu and Kashmir


SRINAGAR: The Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services, J&K, has issued a crucial advisory to the public in light of the escalating temperatures and heat wave conditions across the Union Territory, particularly in the Jammu province.

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With the rising temperatures, there is a heightened risk of forest fires, as warned by the Jammu & Kashmir Disaster Management Authority (JKDMA). The advisory outlines preventive measures to minimize fire-related losses.

The advisory begins by urging residents to remove flammable materials such as dust, leaves, sticks, and cardboard from their living areas, as these can ignite under strong direct sunlight.

It also stresses the importance of keeping electrical cables tidy and avoiding overloading sockets. To prevent overheating, electric panels and gadgets should be given rest and cooling breaks at intervals, and the electricity should be turned off when houses are unoccupied.

Residents are advised to avoid placing electric cables under furniture, carpets, or near flammable objects like plastic sheets. Matches and lighters should be stored out of children’s sight and reach to prevent any mischief. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid cooking during peak heat hours and to ensure that cooking areas are well-ventilated by opening doors and windows

Proper disposal of cigarette butts is emphasized, with instructions to douse them with water and place them in a fire-proof container after ensuring they are fully extinguished. The advisory also highlights the importance of extinguishing fire pits and campfires completely after use.

The public is reminded to adhere to local ordinances regarding trash burning and to exercise caution when using flammable liquids. Lit cigarettes should not be carelessly thrown out of moving cars. Farmers are particularly cautioned against leaving trash or stubble burning unattended. If burning is necessary, it should be done under supervision to ensure there is no chance of re-ignition.

Residents are urged to follow these guidelines diligently to ensure safety during this period of increased fire risk.


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