Jammu Kashmir Aspirants Voice Concerns Over JKSSB Exam Centre Allocations


SRINAGAR: Aspirants preparing for the upcoming Female Supervisor examination, conducted by the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB), are voicing serious concerns over the absence of examination centres in Ramban and Jammu. The examination, scheduled for June 23, 2024, has sparked protests due to the significant hardship and inconvenience caused by requiring many candidates to travel long distances to Jammu in challenging summer conditions.

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Candidates are urging the JKSSB to allocate examination centres within their native districts to alleviate these difficulties. The JKSSB examination for the Supervisor ICDS post in the Social Welfare Department coincides with the nationwide annual examination conducted by IGNOU on the same date, exacerbating the problem and prompting aspirants to request a deferment.

This situation presents logistical challenges and raises questions about the fair treatment of all candidates. “The principle of equality before the law, as outlined in Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, guarantees that no individual should face discrimination or disadvantage due to administrative decisions,” Advocate Fairoz Khan, Former National President of NSUI and Youth Congress Working President said in a statement. “The current allocation of exam centres appears to infringe upon this fundamental right, creating an unfair and inequitable situation for many aspirants.”

In response to these pressing issues, candidates are urging the Deputy Commissioner of Ramban to intervene immediately. They propose consolidating exam centres into more central and accessible locations within the district. This measure would ensure that all candidates have an equal and fair opportunity to participate in the examination without facing unnecessary difficulties.

“The current situation is impractical and presents significant challenges for many aspirants,” Khan said. “We call on the authorities to take swift action to address this matter and uphold the principles of fairness and equality.”


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