Video: No Major MCC Violations Reported, CEO Pole


SRINAGAR: Amidst the ongoing political fervour and rallies leading up to the polls for the Srinagar parliamentary constituency scheduled for Monday, Chief Electoral Officer of Jammu and Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole, revealed that there have been no significant violations of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) thus far.

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In an exclusive conversation with Kashmir Life, Pole emphasised that any minor infractions of the MCC were promptly addressed through written communication to the respective candidates and political entities. He stressed the paramount importance of adhering to MCC guidelines to uphold the integrity of the electoral process.

“While there have been a few minor instances of MCC violations, no major infractions have arisen that could disrupt the proceedings. We promptly communicate our concerns in writing to both political parties and candidates,” Pole affirmed.

When queried about the anticipated voter turnout, Pole refrained from making predictions but urged citizens to actively participate in the forthcoming polling dates across Jammu and Kashmir.

Regarding the upcoming polls for the Srinagar parliamentary seat, Pole underscored the implementation of special measures to facilitate female voters. He highlighted the establishment of “pink polling stations” exclusively managed by female personnel, including security personnel, polling agents, and staff. This initiative aims to encourage women’s participation in the electoral process.

Besides, Pole mentioned the deployment of female helpers, such as Asha or Anganwadi workers, at each polling station to assist female voters. Separate queues and amenities will be provided to ensure their convenience and comfort.

Addressing security concerns, Pole reassured that all necessary measures have been meticulously implemented, leaving no room for oversight. “Every security concern has been meticulously addressed. We are fully prepared to handle any challenges that may arise,” he affirmed.

It is noteworthy that Srinagar has historically witnessed lower voter turnouts, particularly after the delimitation exercise conducted by the panel in 2022. Observers are keen to see how the voter turnout unfolds this time around in Srinagar, given the unique circumstances and initiatives taken to enhance inclusivity in the electoral process.


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