Thursday, May 2, 2024


Though stagnant, the agriculture is the mainstay of Jammu and Kashmir economy. This section offers detailed narratives of the crops, the practices in the sector, the policy interventions and its importance for a vast population living in semi-urban and rural belts of the state.

Bitter Harvest

The political turmoil of the past eighteen months has hit Kashmir’s apple industry hard.  The entry of the NAFED and the import of duty-free...

An FMD Outbreak

In the last few months, the foot and mouth disease has killed around 2000 cattle heads in Kashmir alone, Sarmad Dev reports Foot and Mouth...

Budget 2011-12: Empowering Farming community

The present government has given due recognition to the needs of empowering our farming community and strengthening of the Agriculture and Allied sectors. Honourable...

Saffron Harvest: A Photo Feature

During late autumn, people from Saffron town, Pampore, in South Kashmir start picking saffron flowers and heaping them into wicker baskets. Their chatter and...

Apple Woes

Kashmiri apple constitute 77 percent of total apple produce in India, there by contributing considerably to the state’s economy. As the major apple produce...

Sowing Fruitful Success

He left behind a successful and promising career with top pharmaceutical companies outside Kashmir and decided to return home and do something for himself....

Rice Thresher

A young boy who grew up in the lush green paddy fields understood the enormous costs in sustaining agriculture. Finally, he devised a mechanical...
Syed-Mukhtar (KL Image: Hilal Shah)

A Model Grower

Leaving his 16 years of service to start a second career, the erstwhile cop emerged as the model grower after experimenting with honey, cut-flowers...

The Apple Crush

Kashmir is India’s main apple cart but it is yet to adopt the best market practices that are in vogue in neighbouring Himachal Pradesh. Masood...

Not A Priority!

    All banks have a basket enabling them to infuse micro credit in key sectors. But most of these schemes partnered by the governments are...