Many Commuters Reported Dead In Rafiabad Bus Accident


SRINAGAR: A bus travelling from Hamam Mundaji towards Sopore met with a tragic accident today in Pazwalpora Dangiwacha, resulting in three reported deaths and several injuries. The incident occurred due to a brake failure, leading to the bus losing control and crashing.

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The bus, bearing registration number JK05 6339, was driven by Mohammad Saleem Malla, a resident of Pakhwara Dangiwacha. There were 20 passengers on board at the time of the accident.

Among the deceased is Bashir Ahmad Seer Gojar, aged 30, who was the son-in-law of Qaram Din Seer Gojar and a resident of Doniwari Dangiwacha. Another person who has died was identified as Abdul Rashid Khan son of Mohammad Yousuf Khan of Markoot and the third person is Noor Mohammad Khan son of Alim Din Khan, a resident of Hamam. Police have taken up the investigation of the case but they have not confirmed any death, so far.

Two other passengers sustained serious injuries, while 15 more suffered varying degrees of injuries. The seriously injured have been rushed to the nearest hospital for urgent medical attention.

Residents said there could be three additional casualties, but this information has not been confirmed by authorities yet.

The cause of the accident has been attributed to a brake failure, but investigations are ongoing to determine any further contributing factors. Residents said the road has a narrow passage on the spot and it usually creates problems for the bigger buses to pass through.

Emergency services were quick to respond, and local authorities are working to provide assistance to the victims’ families and ensure the injured receive necessary care. The first group of people who reached the spot were residents. They rescued the people and pulled them out of the ill-fated bus. Later, police joined them.


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