Mumbai Court Sentences Jammu and Kashmir Man to Death for 2011 Murders


SRINAGAR: A resident of Kishtwar, Parvez Tak, stepfather of late bollywood actress Laila Khan, was sentenced to death by a Mumbai Session Court on Friday for murdering Laila Khan, her Selina and four siblings.

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The Mumbai session court judge SB Pawar termed the case as rarest of the rare and sentenced Tak to death.

Tak was found guilty by the Court on May 9 for the murders and destroying the evidence.

The judgement also included seven years rigorous imprisonment for destroying the evidence.

The case belonged to the murder of six by Tak in February 2011 when he had killed Laila Khan and others at the latter’s bungalow in Igatpuri, Maharashtra.

During the investigation, car of Laila Khan was found from Kishtwar town.(KNO)


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