Provide Immediate Compensation To Orchardists Who Suffered Damages Due To Untimely Snowfall: Tarigami


SRINAGAR: Expressing serious concern over the losses caused to orchardists by untimely snowfall in the Kashmir valley, CPI (M) leader Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami on Saturday demanded immediate compensation to the affected growers.

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In a statement, Tarigami said that a large number of fruit-bearing trees are reported to have suffered damages due to unseasonal snowfall, witnessed in several parts of Kashmir valley.

“Reportedly 50% fruit crop was yet to be harvested in twin districts of Shopian and Kulgam. There should be immediate assessment of losses suffered by the orchardists,”  said Tarigami.

“The government must depute expert teams to assess the losses especially in South Kashmir which has been the worst hit,” the CPI (M) leader demanded.

He said the CPI (M) has since long been demanding for implementation of crop insurance scheme in the region to benefit the orchardists and peasants’ in the event of natural calamities.

He also expressed grief over the death of three members of a nomadic family in Noorpora area of Awantipora who died after the boundary wall of their temporary shelter collapsed due to incessant rains and snowfall and demanded adequate compensation for the victim family.


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