Sunday, May 5, 2024

Masood Hussain

Associated with the Srinagar dateline since 1987, Masood Hussain has served a number of media organisations in the last more than three decades. He served Kashmir Times for around a decade and joined The Economic Times which he left in 2015 after 17 years. He is currently the Editor of Kashmir Life.

The Awantipora Molecule

Merely moving ahead of the embryonic stage, the IUST’s Watson-Crick Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCCMM) is expected to be a major address for research...

Watch: Congress Leader Details Meeting With Chief Electoral Officer

SRINAGR: Chief Electoral Officer Jammu and Kashmir, Hardesh Kumar had a brief meeting with most of the political parties in Jammu. Former Minister and lawmaker...

Tread With Care

Under a uniform academic calendar, March Session has been reintroduced in Kashmir. Concerned citizens believe it will deprive students of around 70-days of learning...

Doing Science In Kashmir

The lack of infrastructure was the key brain drain factor as researchers would choose better global institutions for doing science. Under an impressive plan...

Defending Data

Almost on daily basis, there is at least one report about some major data leak, mostly hacked by techies and put on sale. With...

Recruitment Racket

With the selection list of police sub-inspectors already binned, there are strong possibilities that the Finance Accounts Assistant list and also the JE selection...

Haider Dughlat: Kashmir’s Kazakh Ruler

Had Babur’s cousin, Mirza Haider Dughlat not invaded Kashmir, the central Asian and Mughal history would have been less understood, nearly half a millennium...

That Sinking Feeling

Even after 13 lakh tourist arrivals and a lot of interventions announced by the government, the economy on the eve of Eid is indicating...

Old Taxes Return

In the forward-looking GST regime, the Jammu and Kashmir administration has revived an abolished tax that is expected to be collected for the last...

Enabling Better Schooling

Poplars in Kashmir and the people in Pulwama have been acknowledged as key contributors to reducing India’s dependence on imports in managing the pencil...

‘We Are Looking For Original, Viable Business Ideas’

The new generation in societies lacking a corporate world mostly try to find jobs in the government. With life expectancy improved, a generation of...

The Nupur Storm

Badmouthing has evolved into a new trend in politics but it always remained an internal sovereign issue till a ruling party spokesperson breached an...

Targeted Killings

Sections within non-local staffers and migrant Pandits serving Kashmir have left the Valley in wake of a series of targeted killings. The government says...

Playing With Peaks

With the death of 10 workers under a massive landslide in Ramban, while working on a road project, the focus is back to the...

Dwindling Panthers’

With all its lawmakers walking out, Panthers Party is probably disappearing at a time when Bhim Singh, its founder, is fighting health issues and...