Tuesday, May 21, 2024


This section displays the most exhaustive ad in-depth coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on different facets of life in Jammu and Kashmir. It also has exclusive reportage of the history of epidemics in Kashmir.

Why India’s Pandemic Challenges Are Pretty Critical?

Till a medical science breakthrough materializes social distancing is the fundamental and complete lockdown the most effective preventing measure. Given the size of India’s...

Coronavirus: Why Should We Avoid Believing Rumours?

by Ikhlaq Qadri It happened in the dead of night, dark and daunting. Rumours flew across the Kashmir that Thursday, March 26, could be the...

A Silent Ramzan

As the Covid-19 pandemic has dictated its new rules, there would not be any congregational prayers, grand Iftaar’s and the lockdown will have an...

Sleeping Shangus

An abrupt detection of a series of Covid-19 infections down-south led authorities to strictly impose restrictions. Umar Khurshid spent a day locating the problems...

Being Covid-19 Positive

Avoided by family and isolated at hospitals, the patients go through a gruelling ordeal on their path to recovery, reveals Saima Bhat On March 16,...

Did The Human Stupidity Help The Virus Spread?

by Ubaidullah Pandit Italy is in pain right now. Rome has fallen to its and world’s enemy. Italian physicians were the first in history to...

Doc, Heal Thyself

The health givers are messiahs in their own right because they help people to live longer, reduce their pain and contribute immensely to the...

The Covid Collateral

While the entire focus is on preventing Covid-19 related fatalities, people are silently dying from treatable medical conditions and also because of the negligence...


Khalid Bashir Gura talked to a number of people from diverse backgrounds just to understand how they manage their life in the lockdown that...

‘We Are On The Brinks of Community Transmission’

Pulmonologist Dr Naveed Nazir Shah, as head of the Chest Diseases Hospital, is managing the main counter Covid-19 hospital in Kashmir. He tells Khalid...

‘Islam Is Rational, Realistic’

Dr Hamidullah Marazi, who heads the department of Religious Studies at the Central University of Kashmir, talks in detail with Umar Mukhtaar on the...

4G for Knowledge

In a world besieged by the virus, people are working from their homes, using the high-speed Internet. In Kashmir, more than 1.5 million students...

Unsung Heroes

While everybody is crediting the medicos and the cops for doing what they are doing in the ongoing pandemic, nobody is even talking about...

Coronavirus Scare: Are Eggs, Mutton Safe?

by Zubair Ahmad War The current Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc throughout the globe. Almost five lakh people have been affected by the viral disease....

How Iran Is fighting Pandemic and Sanctions?

It is challenging to fight a scourge like Coronavirus when the managers have mass spread on one hand and a ban from accessing global...