Sunday, May 5, 2024


This section displays the most exhaustive ad in-depth coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on different facets of life in Jammu and Kashmir. It also has exclusive reportage of the history of epidemics in Kashmir.

Survival Gadgets

As desperate families go to market, exorbitantly priced oxygen concentrators are making them unaffordable for Covid-19 patients homecare. Now the crisis is that leisure...

Why Pandemic Should Encourage Muslim Societies To Break Inertia?

by  Mohamad Zubair-u-din There is no denying the fact that Islam attaches great importance to knowledge and education. That education is the starting point of every...

Depression And Despair Apart, Why Quarantine Is One’s Best Councillor?

by Taizeen Khurshid Naqash Solitude and isolation are painful things and beyond human endurance. Loneliness is the central cause of depression and despair. Self-isolation is...

Pandemic’s Emotional Toll

In Kashmir, Covid-19 hasn’t infected and killed people alone. It has broken families or pushed them into crises that are unlikely to settle. Saima...

Beware The Third Wave

While the prevention would be the best insurance against the possible resurgence of the pandemic in near future, the government would also need to...

How Islam’s Personal Hygiene Can Help Halting The Virus Spread?

 by Abid Shafi Misbahi In wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, the cure is yet to be found. So precaution is the best available care. Till...

Why The Pandemic Tests Our Federal Credentials?

by Basit Amin Makhdoomi The advent of Covid-19 has not only put to test the health apparatus of our country but has also inflicted a...

Those Cholera Carnage’s

Unlike many other epidemics, the Cholera has been Kashmir’s resident killer for most of the nineteenth century when the bacteria would come with the...

Back to Cycling

Protracted lockdowns have increased sedentary lifestyle forcing the new generation to embrace cycling to manage part of the obesity load. It is helping the...

Kashmir’s Tehran Tension

As Kashmir’s historical Iran connection is being tested by the coronavirus spread, expert Kashmiri Iranians suggest against flying a few hundred students home because...

5 Stages of Epidemic

by Slavoj Zizek Maybe we can learn something about our reactions to the Coronavirus epidemics from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who, in her On Death and Dying,...

The Covid Collaterals

As a person tests positive for Covid-19, the entire eco-system for the family and the villages’ changes abruptly. Authorities take away the people to...

Vaccine Hesitancy

As Covid-19 vaccination gathers pace in Kashmir, a section of people are sounding cautious not knowing that sixty per cent of vaccines consumed globally...

Wrecked Families

Behind the desperation at the official and societal level for halting the spread of Covid19 and deny any space to the third wave, are...

Why Quarantine And Lockdown Is Dangerous For Victims of Partner Violence?

by Fayaz Ahmad Paul Intimate partner violence is defined as physical or sexual violence, emotional abuse and stalking. It is typically experienced by women of...