Thursday, May 2, 2024


This section displays the most exhaustive ad in-depth coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on different facets of life in Jammu and Kashmir. It also has exclusive reportage of the history of epidemics in Kashmir.

The Exam Fever

Students who somehow reached home during the pandemic are being asked by their universities to return and appear in examinations. This too at a time...

Covid Combatants

Around 1100 health workers in Kashmir contracted the infection, fought it and recovered, unlike the five doctors who died. Preoccupied with managing Covid-19 and...

A Hundred Years Later

The Spanish Flu that brought the world on its knees by killing almost five crore people exactly a century earlier has visited Kashmir also. Though...

‘We Need To Prepare Ourselves For The Worst’

Prominent urologist, Dr M Salim Wani was stung by the contagion forcing him to get into nightmarish isolation. Caught between ostracisation and cytokine crisis, he overcame...

In Red Zone

After the initial shock at their area being sequestered for possibly being infested with Coronavirus, it is life as usual for the residents. But...

Unmasked, Literally

Refusal to follow safety protocols by the people and lax enforcement of the law by the administration is behind the surge in the number...

The Oxygen Grid

With more people requiring Oxygen therapy to fight back Covid19 and its virulent mutated variants, Khalid Bashir Gura goes on an Oxygen audit on...

Understanding The Virus

With an estimated 100 million types and so abundant that all the life forms put together, the viruses were discovered only after the invention...

A Covid-19 Samaritan

For Sajad Ahmad Khan, arranging burials for the people dying from Coronavirus isn’t just an act of benevolence but a commitment to society reports Syed...

Why Routine Non Communicable Diseases Are Killing More People, Even In Kashmir?

by Aasia Hassan Sooner or later this pandemic will be over, but the deadly and silent pandemic of Non-Communicable Diseases will persist While the world is...

Online Un-learning

The transition from teacher-class based teaching to digital education has not been smooth in Kashmir, nor is it helping students to learn, reports Khalid...