Friday, June 14, 2024

Special Report

Kashmir life is a weekly news and information magazine that covers special reports, Kashmir history, news updates, live updates and latest research papers on Kashmir.

Online Un-learning

The transition from teacher-class based teaching to digital education has not been smooth in Kashmir, nor is it helping students to learn, reports Khalid...

Dizzying Inflation

The steep rise in the cost of goods in Kashmir is making it increasingly difficult for the common man to manage two square meals...

Deaths By Drowning

Around 35 people, most of them minors, have drowned while bathing in streams and ponds to beat the scorching sun. This has triggered calls...

Wise Decisions

Youngsters in Kashmir have started taking control of their education. This year, three students bagged UWC scholarships for International Baccalaureate diploma at select United...

The Security Tool

Rakesh Pandita’s killing has prompted police to bar the movement of the politicians and the protected persons without security clearance. Political parties see the...

Pandemic And Pandits

The ongoing pandemic hit the migrant Kashmiri Pandit community in Jammu, UP and Delhi so harshly that many think Covid19 killed more than the...

Online MBBS

The pandemic has forced the students enrolled with offshore medical schools to study virtually from home. This is putting a question mark over their...

Probing The Toll

With Kashmir having massive morbidity and Jammu leading in the mortality, a puzzled government is trying its best to locate the reasons responsible, reports...

Coexisting With Contagion

In the last more than a year, the people picked enough knowledge about the virulent and vile virus that it helped them to live...

Jail Worries

With the septuagenarian separatist dying of Covid-19 in a Jammu jail, hundreds of families are worried across Kashmir. Now the political class has requested...

Covid 2.0

Much like in the rest of India, hospitals in Kashmir are ill-prepared to deal with the virulent second wave, the government’s protestations notwithstanding, reports...

Rendered Jobless

As non-local mining concerns bagged most of the mining works across Kashmir, tendered at the peak of internet shutdown, thousands of people have been...

Canine Terror

Free-roaming dogs in Kashmir bite thousands every year. Though the authorities assert that they have been sterilising the dogs and managing the waste food,...

Mutton Hunger

When the Wazwaan country is deprived of its staple food, it is a crisis for the government and the society that still is a...

Renewed Ceasefire

Surprising the strategic affairs community with its quiet diplomacy, rival armies of India and Pakistan announced a fresh ceasefire. The development was welcomed by...