Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Straight Curve

Sleeping With the Enemy

Arshid Malik I am not a political analyst, but I have my view about politics and when it comes to Kashmir I figure I have...

Cry Baby Cry

Arshid Malik Ex-Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir is doing a good job sitting in the opposition while creating a ruckus over almost every move...

After-oath Politics

Arshid Malik After facing a lot of debilitating diatribe and inertial delay the new government led by Mufti Mohammad Syeed is in place and rolling...

A Linguistically-Infused Cultural Neurosis 

Arshid Malik I wonder as to why my only child, around 10 years old, speaks in Urdu or rather a Bollywoodish mix of Urdu and...


Arshid Malik Introspectively, I have come to conclude that shopping mall culture is just not for Kashmir. We have seen so many shopping malls built...

Recollected reconnaissance

Arshid Malik I am a skeptic by all standards and I guess it is the meanness of the “world” that has turned me into a...

A different story

Arshid Malik Politics and politicians are game these days. With the elections over and a hung Assembly, speculations are rife as to who is going...

Matters that matter

Arshid Malik Have you ever wondered how un-democratic our educational systems are while we are a “democratic” nation, believing in and swearing by the ideals...

A Tiny Tin Heart

A story of despair, love and all that is least needed Arshid Malik There is a near-dead lock over government formation in the state of Jammu...

What’s the rush?

Arshid Malik What’s the rush? This is one question that always jumps to my mind whenever I see an impatient person driving a vehicle trying...

Control units and boats

Arshid Malik Surprisingly, I am writing again. Not that I doubted that I would be able to write anymore but somehow the metaphysical quintessence of...

Conflicting Connections 

Arshid Malik The conflict in Kashmir while providing an excuse for people to work lazily - and I am speaking particularly in context of people...


Arshid Malik Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our...

From Palestine to Kashmir

Arshid Malik Palestine. Oh! Palestine. Blood, tears and sweat mixed into one intangible mix drips down the face of the earth accumulating in a blotch at...

From an Empath to Psychopath

Arshid Malik It was always hard to cope with, the incessant angst that enveloped my soul as I lurched forward in the darkness of a...