Expressing his deep concern and anguish over the miserable condition of the families particularly widows of the persons who were subjected to the enforced custodial disappearance, Chairperson All Parties Hurriyat Conference (g) Syed Ali Geelani Sunday appealed to the responsible institutions and persons of the society to fulfil their moral and religious responsibilities towards the families of the disappeared people and extend a helping hand towards them in every possible ways.

He appreciated those social organizations who are addressing the problems faced by “Half-Widows”.

“The women whose husbands have been subjected to the forced custodial disappearance at the hands of Indian army, paramilitary forces and SOG deserve more attention, respect and sympathy by the society. But unfortunately these women are not living a better life in our society and the people are not fulfilling their responsibilities in this regard,” Geelani said in a Hurriyat Conference (g) statement.

“There is otherwise a high respect and position bestowed to the women in Islam and when she is in helplessness and is facing different hardships, then they deserve double attention and there are special provisions reserved for her in Islam rather she even qualifies for a share in the property of her husband. However, our society follows wrong and misleading traditions more than the Islam and the widow or helpless woman is usually mistreated in our society. She is neither considered for special treatment at her in-laws nor is she respected at her father’s home. This situation has made the lives of the widows as hell and they are living a miserable life,” he said.

“Islam is the religion of Nature; it guides us in every situation and in every sphere of life. The Ulema and the Islamic scholars have responsibility to recommend and formulate a course of action in the relief and rehabilitation of the widows and Half-Widows in Jammu & Kashmir and rescue them from the present hardships,” he said appreciating the work of those social organizations who highlight this serious issue and are struggling to give a respectable living to the widows and half-widows in the society.


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