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First ever Gojri film ‘Malli Gujjari’ was screened in Jammu at Gujjar Centre for Culture and Heritage on Saturday.

The film directed by Qayoom Raja, written by Dr Javaid Rahi, is based on problems of girl child especially the issues of related to women empowerment in Tribal and nomadic culture.

In a statement Dr Javaid Rahi the writer said it is the story of a poverty-stricken village Tribal Gujjar woman named Malli Gujjari who, amid many other trials and tribulations, struggles to raise herself and survive against all evils and anti women customs which still exist in remote tribal belts. Despite her hardship, she sets an excellent moral example of what it means to be a tribal woman, yet destroy all evil forces at the end for the greater moral good, he said.

Giving details Neeru Raina producer said we are screening this film in tribal Gujjar society to make awareness among main tribal community of Gujjars of the serial. She  said  in shape of  serial has already telecast by  Kashir Channel and Jammu Doordarshan seen in more than 150 countries by  Non-resident Indian Kashmiris (NRIK`s) settled in these countries which provided  them insight into the Tribal Culture of Jammu and Kashmir.

The film is based on a Gojri serial which was commissioned by Doordarshan, Parsar Bharti corporation of India, New Delhi highlighting and showcasing different shades of life and Culture of Gujjars and Bakerwals of Jammu and Kashmir. The film is based on problem of girl child especially the issues of related to women empowerment in Tribal and nomadic culture.




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