All Parties Hurriyat Conference (g) Sunday rejected “internal autonomy” as a possible solution to the Kashmir dispute and reiterated his stand to continue the on-going “struggle for the Right of Self Determination”.
In a statement issued to KNS, Hurriyat Conference (g) said, “people of Kashmir are fighting for the complete freedom from Indian occupation since last seven decades and not for the rhetoric autonomy.”
Holding NC and Congress responsible for all the miseries, Hurriyat Conference (g) said, “NC since its existence has been changing its slogans from autonomy to Self Determination and at times used such slogans as trump cards to deceive people of Kashmir.”
“This party (NC) use slogans like Autonomy when they are out of power only for the sake of power and chair. The National Conference believes in politics of deceit, and has the capability of changing its colours like chameleons and the history of their 30 year rule is testimony of it,” the Hurriyat amalgam said.
“People of India, Pakistan and Kashmiris in particular loose its generations and are paying heavy price for such uncertainty which we witnessed and it was Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah who on the basis of his personal equation with Jawahar Lal Nehru handed Kashmir in his lap,” the statement said adding, “it was 1938 which changed the discourse on Kashmir when Sheikh Abdullah changed Muslim Conference into National Conference. The said conversion of Muslim Conference into National Conference was an act of treason with blood of martyrs of 13th July 1931. Its purpose was to forge alliance with the Indian National Congress to attain power.”