SRINAGAR: The Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS) is seeking applications for PhD scholarships through its structured doctoral programme. The school employs a continuous admission process, welcoming applications year-round.

The study involves numerous research domains compatible with DLGS’s scientific orientation and the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER).

The eligibility includes completion of a Master’s degree within the past three years, overall grade of “good” or higher (equivalent to German level “gut”), submission of a research proposal that corresponds with the DLGS profile and IOER research domains, and submission of a complete online application in English, including all necessary documents.

The required documents involve a letter of motivation, certificates and transcripts of academic qualifications (MA, BA, and higher education entrance exam), an English proficiency level test certificate (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC), and a completed online application form.

DLGS operates on a rolling admission basis, allowing for intakes at any point during the year, depending upon meeting eligibility criteria.

It’s important to note that DLGS does not impose tuition fees. Selected candidates may opt for self-funding or seek external funding sources. For those pursuing external funding, it’s vital to keep DLGS informed about deadlines and requirements.

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