Chief Secretary, B R Sharma Tuesday chaired the 10th meeting of the Board of Governors of Jammu and Kashmir e-Governance Agency (JaKeGa) to review the progress of implementation of various e-governance initiatives in the State.
The Information Technology Department through its e-Governance agency (JaKeGa) is implementing various IT related projects, an official statement said this evening.
The Board of Governance (BoG) reviewed the progress of IT projects including establishment of Common Service Centers (CSCs)/Khidmat Centers, State Data Center, State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG), e-Assembly, e-Prisons, e-Districts, Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM), JK State Wide Area Network (SWAN) and other programs.
Secretary, IT briefed the meeting about the status of various IT projects in the State. He said that 1109 Common Service Centers also called as Khidmat centers have already been established and over 4200 more such centers are being established in coming three years covering all Gram-Panchayats. He said 1069 such Centers shall be established during 2015-16.
He said under ESDM 15000 students shall be trained in Telecom, Electronics and IT sectors besides 1400 students are being trained under the scheme-IT for masses. Similarly, he said under the Specialized Training in e-Governance Program (STEP) as many as 150 middle level KAS officers have been nominated to undergo project management training programme through IMPA under capacity building scheme of DEITY, Government of India.
The BoG approved the proposal for rolling out e-District initiative. Under the e-District initiative, IT department has chosen 25 services across eight departments for service delivery to the citizens at their door steps. The implementation of the project will provide support to the district administration to enable content development of G2C (Government to Citizens) Services with Khidmat Centers as the primary front ends for service delivery to the citizens.