
Asking world community to take notice of deteriorating human rights violations in Kashmir, independent lawmaker and MLA Langate Er Rasheed on Thursday said that verdict by Jodhpur Court over killing two blackbucks in 1998 by Salman Khan has exposed the true face of the Indian state.

The spokesman said killing two blackbucks costs Salman Khan five years imprisonment but murdering five unarmed innocent Kashmiris brings appreciation to major Adatiya by Supreme Court.

He said that there can be nothing shameful than that fact that people like Major Gogoi are becoming national Hero’s in India. It seems that precious lives of Kashmir are much lesser than animals. Those calling Kashmiris as their own people stand exposed and there should be no doubt that Kashmir means only a piece of land and Kashmiris mean nothing for them.

Rasheed added that taking care of animals is good but treating Kashmiris worse than animals is shameful and unacceptable. The spokesman quoted Rasheed saying “the judgment has come as a shock for Kashmiris as the AFSPA and national interest is legalizing and justifying every killing in Kashmir.”

The verdict over Salman Khan’s killing black bucks has made every Kashmiri think about the fact that his rights have been thrown to dustbin and institutions of justice are on a long indefinite leave.


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