Friday, May 3, 2024


This section displays the most exhaustive ad in-depth coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on different facets of life in Jammu and Kashmir. It also has exclusive reportage of the history of epidemics in Kashmir.

Those Cholera Carnage’s

Unlike many other epidemics, the Cholera has been Kashmir’s resident killer for most of the nineteenth century when the bacteria would come with the...

Covid 2.0

Much like in the rest of India, hospitals in Kashmir are ill-prepared to deal with the virulent second wave, the government’s protestations notwithstanding, reports...

Zoom Courts

Forced to go virtual, the courts in Kashmir found the going tough during the lock-down in 2020, reports Saima Bhat In July 2020, Mohammad Sultan, 56,...

‘Pregnant Women Must Avoid Visiting Hospital For Routine Check-ups’

Dr Nighat Firdous, one of the senior-most gynaecologists in Kashmir, is the Head of the Department, Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the women-exclusive Lala Ded...

At Your Doorstep

In order to ensure that footfalls on streets remain at the lowest, the administration in Srinagar is delivering essentials to families at their doorsteps....

Virtual Costs

As Covid19 pushed the world towards the tiny phone screens, it has started severely impacting the new generation. Zakia Qurashi talks to experts to...

A Covid Spring

A year later when the economic forces are fighting to undo the impact Kashmir took in the last two years, the contagion is ferociously...

Failing The Education Test

by Riyaz Wani The charges extracted from the students should be in direct proportion to the quality of the services rendered and to the extent...

4G for Knowledge

In a world besieged by the virus, people are working from their homes, using the high-speed Internet. In Kashmir, more than 1.5 million students...

Unmasked, Literally

Refusal to follow safety protocols by the people and lax enforcement of the law by the administration is behind the surge in the number...

Why The Pandemic Tests Our Federal Credentials?

by Basit Amin Makhdoomi The advent of Covid-19 has not only put to test the health apparatus of our country but has also inflicted a...

Those Pock Marking Viruses

Battling diseases has been one of the few constants in life. One scourge was yet to be tackled that another appeared. In this long...

Coronavirus: Is The World Order Changing?

by Syed Suhail Yaqoob The world has seen many bad times. There have been wars, and plagues on an unprecedented scale. The Spanish flu in...

Changed Concerns

The battle against the virus triggered pandemic has pushed everything else to the back-burner in the private and public sector reports Tasavur Mushtaq Said to be...

How I Defeated Covid-19 In A Matter of Days?

by Nazir Masoodi On Thursday last, my cameraperson broke the news to me that he has tested positive for Covid-19. He had been tested before...