Saturday, May 4, 2024


This section displays the most exhaustive ad in-depth coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on different facets of life in Jammu and Kashmir. It also has exclusive reportage of the history of epidemics in Kashmir.

Being Covid-19 Positive

Avoided by family and isolated at hospitals, the patients go through a gruelling ordeal on their path to recovery, reveals Saima Bhat On March 16,...

Viral Fear

Kashmiris returning from Wuhan, the epicentre of coronavirus in China that has killed more than 2100 people, are quarantined in Delhi. As the health...

Follow SOPs

Gathering triggered by panic shopping prior to brief lockdowns is  a cause of concern, writes Zahoor Malik Lockdowns are not something new for the people...

ASHA Nirasha

Overworked, underpaid and vulnerable to infection, around 20,000 ASHA workers are practically the first line of defence against the contagion, especially in the Kashmir...

4G for Knowledge

In a world besieged by the virus, people are working from their homes, using the high-speed Internet. In Kashmir, more than 1.5 million students...

Earth’s Invisible Owners

His encounters with invisible contagions apart, Kashmir origin American epidemiologist, Dr Ali S Khan’s book offers fascinating simplification of the complex scientific processes and the significance...


For most of its history, Kashmir remained hidden behind multiple masks, literally and metaphorically. In wake of a looming Coronavirus threat, the people in...

In Red Zone

After the initial shock at their area being sequestered for possibly being infested with Coronavirus, it is life as usual for the residents. But...

Coronavirus: Can Ostracism Help Control The Virus?

by Masood Hussain SRINAGAR: As the first victim of the Coronavirus was laid to rest in Sopore Thursday afternoon, a key issue has cropped up...

‘We Need To Prepare Ourselves For The Worst’

Prominent urologist, Dr M Salim Wani was stung by the contagion forcing him to get into nightmarish isolation. Caught between ostracisation and cytokine crisis, he overcame...

How My Family Fought Covid-19 Infection And Recovered?

by Muazzam Khursheed Throughout my experience of battling with the virus, what I could comprehend is that other than medication, the mental health of the...

A Silent Ramzan

As the Covid-19 pandemic has dictated its new rules, there would not be any congregational prayers, grand Iftaar’s and the lockdown will have an...

The Oxygen Grid

With more people requiring Oxygen therapy to fight back Covid19 and its virulent mutated variants, Khalid Bashir Gura goes on an Oxygen audit on...

Epidemic Killed Indus Valley Civilization?

Researchers have not been able to locate a single major factor for the disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization other than waterborne disease. Cholera, David...

Dizzying Inflation

The steep rise in the cost of goods in Kashmir is making it increasingly difficult for the common man to manage two square meals...