All Parties Hurriyat Conference chief, Syed Ali Geelani, on Monday said that there is no doubt that Kashmiris were peaceful in the past.
“And at present,” Geelani said, “we are in need of peace more than anybody else”. “Once again we agree with Indian Prime Minister that Kashmiris want peace”.
A statement issued by Hurriyat Conference (g) said that Geelani once again “advising India rulers” to go through the history said, “at the time when India got its independence from British rule, whole sub-continent was up in flames, with killings, arson, rapes, death and destruction everywhere. Fields were packed with dead ones. Yesterday’s neighbours were ready to slit each other’s throats today. Whole of Indian terrain was presenting a devastated and destructed look. But Kashmir in those tiring times also was calm, peaceful, maintaining and upholding the highest values of brotherhood and communal harmony.”
“This small and unfortunate piece of land is studded with a million armed forces equipped with deadly armoury and immune with legal shield, provided by the Indian rulers and after such threatening and terrifying environment, talking of peace may be a good and clever lip service to buy the collective vote bank in the election scenario of some states. But for a nation, drenched in blood and devastated by the iron fist of these occupiers, there is nothing to believe and trust these words,” he said.
The Hurriyat patriarch said, “our fourth generation is living in the atmosphere of bloodshed, repression and sick ambience of political uncertainty. Despite huge human investment for the last 70 years, our cunning oppressor is still stuck on the false and baseless rhetoric of Atoot Ang.”
Commenting on Modi’s statement of “fighting poverty”, the Hurriyat Conference chief said, “in case Indian rulers are sincere in their words, they need to shun the euphoria of expansionism and war mongering attitude, so that a large chunk of their defence budget is utilized for the eradication of poverty.”
“Even the daily deployment of their troops in Jammu and Kashmir costs Indian exchequer very high. Above all traitors of this nation and collaborators of Indian oppression need to be paid hefty sums to buy their loyalties. Also to conceal the war crimes of their forces, they try to bribe the people, recent example of which, according to media reports, is the father of an injured youth was offered an attractive sum of Rs 10 lakh just to speak against Hurriyat (Conference). But reply of worthy father of this injured youth was a smack on the face of this political jobber, but some people are congenitally devoid of this less found self-esteem and they hardly are moved by any kind of emotions,” Geelani added.
He further said that “to undermine and weaken the present uprising, Indian treasuries have been laid open and their yes-men are jubilant to auction the minds and souls of people on sale, and if anybody resists, muscle is used to bow him down, so that no dissent voice strikes their autocratic ears”.
“To continue the unholy occupation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India is competing in the arms race and is diverting its resources for defence, at the cost of the welfare and basic necessities of its population,” he said.
With the words of “sincerity and honesty” to the Indian rulers, Geelani said, “as soon as you accept the disputed nature of the Jammu and Kashmir and start practical and concrete measures to address it, need of arms and extra-defence budgeting will be cut to lower levels, leading to eradication of poverty and establishment of permanent peace and prosperity not in India only, but Indo-Pak sub-Continent as a whole, and you will be remembered in the history as the great saviour of humanity, which your coming generations will be proud of.”