SRINAGAR: Srinagar Smart City Limited (SSCL) has taken up a project to redesign the old Habba Kadal bridge here in Srinagar at an estimated cost of Rs 1.8 crore.
Chief Engineer, SSCL, Iftikhar Kakroo said that the project has been taken up in order to create a public space in the otherwise crowded Shehr-e-Khass and also to preserve its old heritage.“It was very difficult to find a recreational spot in the area. However, as the old bridge is not in use at present we decided to work on it. It will be built on lines with the design and architecture of the Zero bridge.”
“Almost 50 percent of the work on the project has been completed. The illumination and some minor works are still pending and the bridge will be completely redesigned in the next two months,” he said.
The bridge will have a lot of sitting spaces, Gazebos, and kiosks on it after its completion. The officials have made it clear that the bridge will be exclusively for pedestrian use only as vehicles will not be allowed to ply on it.
Earlier, SSCL, CEO, Athar Aamir Khan in a tweet stated that the citizens in the old city will be enjoying their evenings on the Habba Kadal Foot bridge very soon.
“Zero Bridge at Rajbagh has become one of the most visited public spaces in Srinagar city. On similar lines now our Old #HabbaKadal Bridge is being redesigned as a pedestrian bridge cum public space under #SrinagarSmartCity. The #HabbaKadal Footbridge will have a lot of sitting spaces, Gazebos, and kiosks on it. No cars on it, only people! Very soon our citizens in the old city will be enjoying their evenings on the Habba Kadal Footbridge!” CEO SSCL tweeted—(KNO)