
According to a statement issued by the Horticulture department, a partial modification in the spray schedule of Apple at fruitlet stage (Pea size) has been recommended by SKUAST-K Shalimar, Srinagar, in view of prevailing weather condition and the incidence of scab in some Apple belts.

The fruit growers of Kashmir Division have been advised to spray any one of the following fungicides at this stage, in their orchards:

As per the modified spray schedule, for the orchards exhibiting scab symptoms, farmers have been advised to spray Trifloxystrobin 25%+Tebuconazole 50% 75WG @40 grams  or Zineb 68%+Hexaconazole 4% 72WP @100 grams or Metiram 55%+Pyraclostrobin 5% 60WG @100 grams or Dodine 65WP @60gram or Dodine 40SC @90 ml fungicides, per 100 litre of water.

While the Orchards not exhibiting scab symptoms, the fungicide Mancozeb 75WP @300 grams, Propineb 70WP @300 grams or Zineb 75WP @300 grams or Captan 50WP @300 grams or Ziram 80WP @200 grams, per 100 litre water has been recommended.

The orchardists have been advised not to spray any of the recommended fungicides of petel fall stage.

Though adjuvant, stickers can be added for better efficacy of fungicides especially during rainy days yet the stickers should not be used with Dodine.


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