SRINAGAR: In the last 24 hours, India registered a 20 per cent dip in new Covid-19 cases with 1,67,059 infections, but the fresh fatalities surged to a whopping 1,192, said the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday.
The single-day deaths saw a surge after Kerala added 638 fatalities as backlog to Tuesday’s count, said the Ministry.
The nationwide death toll thus climbed to 4,96,242.
Meanwhile, the active caseload has reported a marginal decline at 17,43,059 which constitute 4.20 per cent of the country’s total positive cases.
The recovery of 2,54,076 patients in the last 24 hours has increased the cumulative tally to 3,92,30,198. Consequently, India’s recovery rate stands at 94.60 per cent.
Also in the same period, a total of 14,28,672 tests were conducted across the country, which took the total to 73.06 crore.
While the weekly positivity rate stood at 15.25 per cent, the daily positivity rate has come down to 11.69 per cent.
With the administration of over 61 lakh vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s Covid inoculation coverage reached 166.68 crore as of Tuesday morning.
More than 11.92 crore balance and unutilised Covid vaccine doses are still available with the states and UTs. (IANS)