by Babra Wani

SRINAGAR: The Haemophilia Society of Kashmir continues to sound alarms over a persistent shortage of essential medicines for patients battling the life-threatening disease, despite months of appeals and requests.

Syed Majid Qadri, President of the organization based in Karan Nagar, emphasizes the dire situation, particularly regarding Factor VIII medication. He states, “Any patient can suffer any kind of damage anytime as this is a life-threatening disease. Nobody is showing any concerns. We try to procure the medication but it is expensive, and we have limited resources and cannot assure the regular availability of this medicine.”

He added that his team is attempting to urgently procure the medicine to treat the patients, stating, “We are suffering unnecessarily and this is like toying with precious human life.”

“We have communicated with all the relevant authorities and despite repeated media coverage, there is no resolution,” Majid asserted. “Even after continuous requisitions, there is no solution.”

Majid stressed that his organization has 413 registered patients, with over 250 requiring

Factor 8 medications. “All of them have been without medication for the last two months.”

Haemophilia, a rare genetic condition hindering blood clotting, can lead to severe internal and external bleeding.

He mentioned that the Jammu and Kashmir Medical Supplies Corporation Limited in Kashmir has received requisitions, financial commitments, and confirmations from the medical community, but the necessary pharmaceuticals remain elusive. The shortage of Factor 8 drugs at SMHS has worsened the situation, leaving Majid and many others in a state of uncertainty and fear.


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