The Muslim intolerance factor


By S.S Qadri

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The flare up of issues pertaining to the Muslim community in India, howsoever incipient they may seem, insinuate to the growing fanaticism that is beclading the Indian nation.  It appears as if the whole nation is up on its sleeves to muzzle the voice of Muslims and to belittle their egos. There is direct confrontation against the community and the hostilities have especially been brewing since BJP captured the highest seat in New Delhi. The stick, this time over, unlike during the Congress era, is without carrot. The community is being subdued and cowed down under the influence of arrogance garnered over these years and under the leadership that had rocket rise in fame and power as a result of being ruthless towards this community in Gujrat.

RSS chief Mohan Bagwat

‘Bharatiya Jan Sangh’, the political wing of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu right-wing organisation from 1951 to 1977 never had the grip over Hindu nationalists who were mostly driven under the influence of Secularism and Marxism by Congress and left Parties. ‘BJP’ too, since its inception in 1980, after break up of ‘Janta party’ could not muster popularity. It was only after the Babri Masjid demolition ‘BJP’ rose to the pedestal honored and revered by the Hindus, who had anger simmering in their hearts against Muslims since independence. Babri Masjid episode provided a sense of achievement and accomplishment to the Hindu community which manifested in their belief of being able to convert India into a ‘Hindu Rashtriya’.

Cow has suddenly become so sacred that the hair of its tail is worth the life of a Muslim. Cow vigilantes have become a law unto themselves and their policing encompass the legislative, executive and Judicial powers!

The notion that had been put to play by the politician across the board was that Muslims have  patronage of Congress. The reason was that the Muslim vote bank would decide the fate of parties in the constituencies that mattered. Muslims were exploited though but the feeling of being equally treated acted as the ‘carrot’ which kept the two communities away from being at direct loggerheads. But there was a spontaneous shift in the wind blowing between the two communities post 6th December, 1992, Babri Masjid demolition. The charged up emotions were flared further to the disadvantage of Muslims. The community, since then, is being condemned on one pretext or the other. Psychologically they have been made to believe that they are second class citizens. The intimidations of being tagged as Pakistanis and  the threat of being shoved out to Pakistan always hang on their necks.

This phenomenon of constant snubbing and ostracizing Muslims eventually attained monstrous proportions over the last two plus decades. Every issue, as on date, seems to gyrate around Muslims in India. There are the issues relating to the dress code of Muslims, the issues about what Muslim should eat and not eat, how the veils should be put off the faces of Muslim women, How should they regulate their marriages, what should be the code of Talaq, relevance of Muftis, meaning of fatwas, Hajj subsidies, concerns about love jihad, closure of slaughter houses, education imparted in madrassas and height of the matter is that the relevance of Azaan in Islam is being questioned now. Every Hindu fanatic has turned into an expert on Islam and seems to provide a guide book for Muslims living in India.

Cow has suddenly become so sacred that the hair of its tail is worth the life of a Muslim. Cow vigilantes have become a law unto themselves and their policing encompass the legislative, executive and Judicial powers! Muslims have been frightened to such an extent that they are even scared of domesticating this animal, not to talk of buying and selling it in the market.

Transportation of this so-called sacred animal is a far cry, it would cost the life without anybody even raising a brow. To counter consumption of Cow meat by Muslims, even cow dung has been made to find its way into their nutritive consumption.

Triple Talaq is such a big issue that if a decision is not taken, Indian nuclear weaponry would not work and the satellites launched by India would cease to function in the space. The issue consumes most of the ‘prime time’ on Television channels every day. Prime Minister himself and his cabinet is worried. The statements of concern do not flow for the killings of Muslim men nor do they come in favor of thousands and Lakhs of Non-Muslim abandoned women but for the Talaq matters of Muslim women from the Rashtrapati Bawan.

Triple Talaq is such a big issue that if a decision is not taken, Indian nuclear weaponry would not work and the satellites launched by India would cease to function in the space.

RSS rally in Jammu

Surprisingly, recitation of Azaan has been turned into a controversy. Now, is this just a coincidence or a purposeful poking so that another issue is raked up in the backdrop of this ‘Azaan issue’ in near future. This may be the precursor to put a stop on offering prayers five times a day. After all there is no dearth of neo-experts on Islam who may in the near future pass verdict that five times ‘Namaz’ interfares in the daily routines of people and it affects other communities in places where Muslims stop their work to offer Namaz.

The religious intolerance is growing at such a pace that the secular fabric in this country is destined to fall into shreds. The pride this country would derive from its diversity and mutual respect between religions has vanished. The divide between religions has far too widened to reconcile now. If this ever increasing gap is not filled and the fanatics patronized by power corridors are not reined in, day is not far when the country will split into fragments. The pieces and bits this country would be divided into might start on religious grounds but would manifest into getting the country broken into pieces on the basic of region, languages, dialects, small communities, castes etc.

This price may not be visible to the Hindu fanatics right now but they are driving their country blindly into it through their intolerance and ignorance.

(Author is management student)


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